- elmiron® (pentosan polysulfate sodium) is indicated for bladder pain syndrome with glomerulations and/or Hunner’s lesions in adults with moderate to severe pain, urgency and frequency of micturition1
- elmiron® is available as 100 mg capsules and is the only oral medication for BPS with bladder lesions licensed for the treatment of this condition2
To access the elmiron® Summary of
Product Characteristics and Patient Information
Leaflet click here
To access the elmiron® European Public
Assessment Report (EPAR) click here
elmiron® – mechanism of action
Following an oral dose of elmiron®, the active ingredient is constantly excreted in the urine through the kidneys. elmiron® works on the protective glycosaminoglycan (GAG) mucous layer on the urothelium in the following ways:2
- It binds to glycosaminoglycans in the mucous layer of the bladder which is deficient in patients with BPS. It helps replenish this layer
- It reverses the effect of protamine sulphate. Protamine sulphate is an enzyme which inactivates the GAG layer and breaks it down which makes the layer more permeable to urea, ionic calcium and water which irritates the bladder lining
- elmiron® (as well as hyaluronic acid and heparin) can block urea and potassium ions (both potential irritants) penetrating the urothelium
Thus, it enhances the protective barrier of the GAG layer, causing less inflammation.
elmiron® reduces bacterial adherence to the mucous layer which could prevent infections from setting in.
elmiron® is also anti-inflammatory.
- Animal studies show elmiron® suppresses histamine release from bladder mast cells
- elmiron® also binds directly to inflammatory molecules in the urine preventing them from causing urothelial inflammation
- elmiron® 100 mg hard capsules, Summary of Product Characteristics, Consilient Health Ltd.
- EPAR elmiron® EMA Assessment Report. Available at: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/assessment-report/elmiron-epar-public-assessment-report_en.pdf. Accessed June 2020